Wiki extensive debridement


Garfield, NJ
Best answers
One of our doctors performed an open rotator cuff repair,
open acromioplasty and distal clavicle resection, 23412, 23130 & 23120 but then he also wants to bill for an arthroscopic extensive debridement 29823-59

arthroscope introduced , inspection revealed a complete retracted tear of the rotator cuff of the supraspinatus insertion and mild degenerative changes of the anterior labrum, using the shaving system, an extensive debridement was performed to allow identification of the extent of the rotator cuff tear and the labrum, identification revealed degeneration of the labrum and using the scope a debridement was performed. Once irrigation was completed, the arthroscope was removed and the wound was closed. and then the rest of the report goes on about the rest of the open procedures.

my question is does the above really justify billing for the arthroscopic extensive debridement code 29823-59?

thank you