Wiki extended record review


East Haven, Connecticut
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I have a physician who reviews her patient's records for 30 - 45 minutes in the evenings, after the office has closed. She asked that I check and see if the time spent reviewing the patient's medical record is billable, and how all of you would code it? (these are patients she has seen that day)
Prolonged codes are used to describe this extra time that physicians spend on patients. In order to bill these codes they would have to document their time and over (look up the guidelines) of that time would have to be counseling and coordination of care. Those are tricky codes and every time I've asked someone about using them, they say that those codes are generally used to describe a situation above and beyond normal circumstances. Using these codes often would be a red flag to insurance carriers.

Prolonged codes are used to describe this extra time that physicians spend on patients. In order to bill these codes they would have to document their time and over (look up the guidelines) of that time would have to be counseling and coordination of care. Those are tricky codes and every time I've asked someone about using them, they say that those codes are generally used to describe a situation above and beyond normal circumstances. Using these codes often would be a red flag to insurance carriers.


I'm not sure how many carriers would even pay for prolonged E/M services - if any.