Wiki Exposure to COVID-19 Diagnosis


Joliet, IL
Best answers
I think I understand how to code this, but I figured I'd check with some professionals out there to make sure. I have a few nursing home patients who have been in contact with another resident who came back positive for COVID-19. Most of them have no symptoms, but because of the known exposure I would assume that Z20.828 would be the appropriate code for this encounter. My question is whether there should be any additional codes associated with the claim or if I can use Z20.828 as the primary and only diagnosis since most z-codes are not typically covered as a primary diagnosis. Thanks for your help!
Per the guidance that I've been given and/or have read, Z20.828 would be correct if the patient is asymptomatic and is being tested because of the suspected exposure. This code is valid as a primary/first-listed diagnosis. I am not aware that most Z-codes are not typically covered as a primary diagnosis - I think this may be a misconception, but it should not be the case as long as the guidelines or payer policies do not say that a particular code may not be used as a primary diagnosis and the service is actually covered under the patient's plan for the reasons that it was performed.
some of the insurance insist on the Z20.828 to be listed as primary diagnosis even when others (SOB, PNA etc) are available but the test came back negative-- at least this is what we've seen for Humana