Wiki explanation of coding level to patient

what do you find the best way to explain why a level higher visit was billed on terms they will understand.

This is a very interesting question. Can you give a little more information on why the office visit was billed at a higher level than the patient expected? This will help me with a response. Vanessa
it's hard to answer what a patient expects, most will look at other invoices to compare. As most have no understanding of coding it is hard to give a thorough explanation. Responses are typically provider is in for 5 minutes, they are unaware of complexity.
it's hard to answer what a patient expects, most will look at other invoices to compare. As most have no understanding of coding it is hard to give a thorough explanation. Responses are typically provider is in for 5 minutes, they are unaware of complexity.
I completely understand this situation. I've had to have these conversations, too. My approach with patients is that patients want to be educated. They may have a lot of emotion and are concerned about the personal cost to them, but they truly do want to undersatnd the healthcare industry. So If the patient will allow, I try to explain all the elements that are involved in a patient visit. Patients only have the perspective of the one-on-one time they spend with the provider. So I believe it's important to explain that there are other elements involved in the decision making and diagnosing that the provider does. I would even go as far as to explain that the AMA is the one who helps develop the billing codes and they want to be sure that the provider is reimbursed properly for the work that they do. Just like everybody else! I hope this helps. Vanessa
good point about the AMA, I typically make a blanket statement that the provider must follow insurance guidelines for billing visit levels. Thanks! Gigi