Wiki Explaining level selection to patient


Rapid City, SD
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I often, especially with self-pay patients, need to explain the cost/level of their office visit. I have adopted a policy of "less is more" because the more I try to explain all of the criteria that goes into it the less clear it becomes.. I did have someone today who just wasn't getting it. They just don't understand that you and I can come in for the same thing but, we might have different levels of office visit charged. (Ex: I have some underlying issues that you don't and those issues need to be managed in conjunction for what we are both being seen for. You are pretty straight forward but, I am not. Or We both come in for just DM check but, mine is uncontrolled and I have co-morbidities that you don't, and my meds are not working and. . . . ) Are there any buzz words or phrases any of you use in this situation?
I give a general answer like "The fee is based on the level of service. There are several different levels of service based on how complex your overall care is." 99.5% of the time, that is sufficient. A couple of times I have had patients who told me they googled the code, and the physician didn't spend the amount of time listed with them. I simply explain the visit can be based on time OR the overall care provided. I once had a patient questioning everything so much that I suggested she take a 90 minute webinar about E/M level coding from a MAC as a starting point and then contact me afterward. She then stopped her questioning. :censored: