Needing help in coding the correct cpt code- dr. wants to use 14040, but
sure if this is appropriate in this description of procedure: it says
An i ml of lidocaine was injected around the stoma. A blade scapel was
used to excise the 4cm scar near the stoma(resulting from healing of
a prior free flap) the incision allowed for enhanced manipulation of
peristomal skin. Approximately 3mm of peristomal skin was excised.
The trachea was then approprimated with revised stoma via multiple
vicryl mattress sutures. Remainder of the incision related to scar
excision on the neck was applied with 4-0 silk mattress sutures.
Would this code be appropriate for this scenario, or what would code
would be more appropriate? Thank You
Needing help in coding the correct cpt code- dr. wants to use 14040, but
sure if this is appropriate in this description of procedure: it says
An i ml of lidocaine was injected around the stoma. A blade scapel was
used to excise the 4cm scar near the stoma(resulting from healing of
a prior free flap) the incision allowed for enhanced manipulation of
peristomal skin. Approximately 3mm of peristomal skin was excised.
The trachea was then approprimated with revised stoma via multiple
vicryl mattress sutures. Remainder of the incision related to scar
excision on the neck was applied with 4-0 silk mattress sutures.
Would this code be appropriate for this scenario, or what would code
would be more appropriate? Thank You