The billing comes over marked 21933, 13101/59, 13102/59. A mass was removed the patient's flank, fine, but the surgeon has underlined this in the chart:
A direct approximation of closure was not possible without creating significant additional deformity. Extensive undermining of skin and subcutaneous tissue just above Scarpa layer was performed to decrease tension for closure. Extensive undermining was completed with cauterization...
What should actually be billed for the closure, if anything? I don't believe it should be the 13101. Thanks for your help!
A direct approximation of closure was not possible without creating significant additional deformity. Extensive undermining of skin and subcutaneous tissue just above Scarpa layer was performed to decrease tension for closure. Extensive undermining was completed with cauterization...
What should actually be billed for the closure, if anything? I don't believe it should be the 13101. Thanks for your help!