Wiki Examination


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Would the documentation below be considered PF or EPF examination?? The Doctor has not specified if he's using 95 or 97 guidelines.

Vitals: Temp 96.8, HR 97, BP 150/80 Wt 193, Ht 60.5, BMI 37.07.
Examination: General appearance: The patient is a, elderly, overweight, well developed and well -nourished female, NAD.Abdomen protuberant, soft, no masses; not tympanitic; numerous ext hemorhoids a few of which have areas which appear superficially abraded; digital -- no masses.

I think this may be EPF for 95 and PF for 97...

Help is appreciated!
Yes, Expanded Problem Focused according to 95 guidelines and Problem Focused according to 97 guidelines. Generally you can use whichever is most advantageous - but I do know some practices who only use 97 guidelines as per their compliance policy. If that's something your practice does, it's up to you - but if I were doing the audit I would count that as an EPF exam.