Wiki exam under anesthesia-One of our


True Blue
Columbus, OH
Best answers
One of our GYN ONCs was asked to assist another surgeon in performing an exam under anesthesia. How are these usually coded? He submitted a consultation charge but his documentation only includes an incomplete HPI (history only) and the exam note with findings so there's not enough data to be even begin to code it as a consultation.

Thanks in advance!
EUA - exam under anesthesia - is coded as 57410, but this procedure does not warrant an assistant & most, if not all, insurance companies do not reimburse for this code.
At this point, your physician might as well consider this a courtesy to the other physician, as there isn't much you can code here. :(
Thanks for the info! We finally got the code portion sorted out but I wasn't aware of the reimbursement issue. That's useful info to have.