Wiki Exam statement - 1 or 2 systems?


True Blue
Rensselaer, NY
Best answers
I have been seeing this statement on exams " NEUROLOGICAL: grossly intact, alert and oriented x 3." I know orientation falls under psych, but I am hesitant to count this as two systems. What do others think - one or two systems?
According to my Medicare contractor (Novitas-Solutions) Neuro/Psych is the same system for the Cardiovascular Exam. I can only count it once.

Louise CPC
Thanks Louise - should have mentioned that we use 1995 exam guidelines. But that does help confirm my view that it should be one system.
I see this a lot and do not give credit for the "grossly intact". How do they know? Did they test cranial nerves, deep tendon reflexes, sensation? I know those are 1997 Exam Guideline bullets but still - how do they know? To me it's just too vague to give credit as an organ system.
I see this a lot and do not give credit for the "grossly intact". How do they know? Did they test cranial nerves, deep tendon reflexes, sensation? I know those are 1997 Exam Guideline bullets but still - how do they know? To me it's just too vague to give credit as an organ system.

I agree - and when I give the credit for a system, I do for psych on the "alert and oriented x3", not the neuro system.