Wiki Exam Results - Thanks everybody who gave me some


Edison, NJ
Best answers

Thanks everybody who gave me some amazing tips and suggestions for my CPC exam this May. I just got my result and I passed with 80% in my first attempt. Thanks again!! :)
CMoore1207 if you want to know if you passed before you open the envelope.. Just look at how they addressed the outside of the envelope to you.. if it says your name with CPC beside it then you are an official coder!!

Congrats on passing. Did you use ICD-9 OR ICD-10 Coding Books and were their ICD-10 questions on the Test? I am taking the test July 12, 2014 and need all the help and info I can get..:confused:


Make sure to highlight the important concepts in your book to save you time and it will also give you a good recall on where to find them once you take the test. Mock tests will also help you gauge your current knowledge about cpc exam.
Congrats on passing. Did you use ICD-9 OR ICD-10 Coding Books and were their ICD-10 questions on the Test? I am taking the test July 12, 2014 and need all the help and info I can get..:confused:



Hi Gail:

I used the current year (2014) ICD-9CM and CPT Coding books. No, there were no questions from ICD-10. I am sure you will do well. All the Best :)
I recently took the CPC exam and it was for ICD-9, so we used the 2014 books. No there weren't any ICD-10 questions on the test.
Gmiles- I just took my exam about a week ago and there was no ICD 10 questions on the test. I am still waiting to see my result. It's getting graded as right now...
Great Job!!

Glad to hear you passed on your first attempt! I could use some of those hints. I tried two years ago but didn't pass. Now i'm getting ready to try again and could some help. I have had life experiences that have kept me from being unable to test so I'm going to give it a go again. Any help anyone can give me would greatly be appreciated. :eek: