Wiki exam not fully finished billable?


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Patient in Hospital, follow up visit, hx taken, exam just started but not finished due to patient leaving when he found out he would not be getting narcotics. Pt left without treatment since he was not going to get narcotics. Freebie or is there a cpt that would cover this as I can't use a 53 mod on the visit.
I had to think twice about this one ;)

Based on what specifics the provider elicited during the history, I would say it's codeable/billable as a 99212. The "elephant in the room" is HOW did the provider determine the patient would not be receiving narcotics, and what diagnosis would he/she apply, if any?

Even if the exam wasn't finished, the provider did obtain a history and vitals (presumably) and were taken, so this isn't an LWOBS visit