Wiki EXAM: GI system. Cases from CEMC Study Guide.

Walnut Creek, CA
Best answers
Hello, I am studying for CEMC exam (E/M) via Study Guide. When reading the rationals to the cases, I got puzzled on how they view GI system for Exam. I am begging for your help, please, because it made me exhausted. My question is why they don’t count these statements as a valid GI exam? What is wrong with Abdomen? They are using DG 1995 and 1997 and they sorted out a performed Exam (for rational) by Organ systems and Body areas. The below Exam was considered as a Body Area and not as GI system.
Case 1
Abdomen: soft, nontender, no mases.
Case 2.
Lungs: Clear - was counted as Resp. system. Heart: Normal - was Cardio system but Abdomen: Negative was not counted as GI system and again dedicated to Body Area.
Case 3.
Abdomen: soft, nontender. No organomegaly, mass, or ascites - was counted as GI system.
Case 5.
Abdomen: No abdominal masses. No tenderness. Abdominal aorta not palapable - was dedicated to Body Area.
Thank you.
Perplexed new coder.
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