Wiki Exam for medical coding through hospital for interview


Minneapolis, Minnesota
Best answers
I am a CPC-a who has an interview with a hospital, they would like me to take a timed online exam and I'm not sure what the questions will be like, whether multiple choice or with coding software. Does anyone have experience in this?
Quiz at Hospital

They may ask you about modifiers 25, 24 52, etc or difference eval management year 1995 vs 1997 rules and where to find certain diagnostic ICD10 numbers. Usually multiple questions on exam. Also know how to code for physical wellness CPT codes per the patient's age vs new vs established patients.

Good luck!

Lady T
I would inquire as to whether or not there will be any inpatient coding questions (DRGs). If it's an outpatient only exam you'd probably see a lot of ancillary procedures, surgical CPT questions and diagnosis coding questions. I'd also familiarize myself with AHA Coding Clinic as many hospitals will test for knowledge of how to use it and include some questions that require you look it up.
