Wiki everyone wants experience

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I have my CPC and am finding impossible to find a job. I have no experience and no one wants to give it to me! Very discouraged and really need a job. I feel like I'm going to be back at my same old Admin jobs. Ugh. Anyone know of companies that hire with no experience?
Alot of people have the same concerns and I'll tell them all the same thing. Get your foot in the door any way you can. Be it in billing, registration, medical records ever you need to do it. MOST companies require experience and if you don't have that experience there are still other positions that will allow you to gain experience so you can eventually get to where you want to be. Don't have the mentality "I didn't go to school for that" which alot of people have. Make the thing you didn't go to school for work to your advantage to obtain the position you did go to school for. Network with others...make sure your resume is error free, your interview skills are top notch and work toward your ultimate goal. :)
Start at the bottom, work your way up. Its how most of us did it, you can to.

I started out in billing, then charge entry, physician coding, outpatient facility, inpatient facility and now inpatient facility auditing. Every job I have had, I have learned valuable information that I have taken with me to my next job. My current skill set is built on years of knowledge in other areas of HIM.

Get your foot in the door, gain some much needed experience and daily exposure of ICD 9 and CPT. Leverage your experience for a coding job.

By the way, you aren't given experience, you work towards and earn it.

Cordelia, DRG Auditor, CCS, CPC