Wiki event monitor 14 or 21 days


Best answers
Hi-I've never done this before so I hope I'm doing it correctly. I have a couple of questions for event monitors. I understand that 93268 is used for a 30 day event monitor. What would you use for a 14 or 21 day monitor? Would you use the same code? I was thinking that you could because the terminology states once per 30 day period. Thanks
We have interpreted it the same way, and coded it with the same code. As long as sufficient readings are obtained for diagnosis and reporting.
Follow up question to event monitor

What exactly is the difference in 93228 and 93268? I believe we used the 93228 (when we were still billing for them) because the event monitor company was located elsewhere and the patient would usually hit a button that would transmit their "event" via phone or other transmission by pushing a button when they experienced an episode. The company would then keep a close 24 hour, 7 days a week log.

Will someone please clarify?
Thanks a bunch. :)