Wiki evaluation of the complete visual system


Tucson , AZ
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I am new to the ophthalmology specialty and am coding for opthalmology E/M services (92002-92004 and 92012-92014). I am having a difficult time recognizing what is an evaluation of the complete visual system. I have been reading the CPT book, but it doesn't specify this. I have been googling and have come up with little on what it looks like in the documentation. Here is a sample below where the physician is billing for a 92014. I'm not sure if this even qualifies because there is really no history only the Active Problem List, and there is very brief documentation of the other elements of a comprehensive exam. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Problem List:
Patient Active Problem List
• Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy
• Obstructive hydrocephalus
Current Medications:
Current Medications

No current outpatient prescriptions on file.

No current facility-administered medications for this visit.

No Known Allergies
Vital Signs:
* 04/21/17 0917
BP: (!) 89/58
Pulse: 70
Temp: 99.1 °F (37.3 °C)
Visual Acuity Screening
* Right eye Left eye Both eyes
Without correction: * * *
With correction: 20/70 20/200 20/70
Chief Complaint
Patient presents with
• Follow-up
ASSESSMENT OF VISION: as above= right eye better than left.
MOTILITY EXAM: no strabismus is noted, good alignment.
EXTERNAL EXAM: unremarkable. The bifocals are set far to low to be useful for this child.
ANTERIOR SEGMENT EXAM: Normal lids, lashes, conjunctiva, cornea, lens, iris, A/C each eye.
FUNDUS EXAM: flat macula each eye without pigmentary retinopathy or notable folds. I was not able to see the periphery but did not see any sign of ROP treatment with laser or cryo. Mom does not remember any. Moderate optic atrophy present ou.
REFRACTION: over retinoscopy shows present correction to be appropriate (see the script). I gave a new script so the bifocals might be properly positioned.
ASSESSMENT: former 26 weeker with history of IVH and shunt, and apparent optic atrophy. How much of his vision difficulty is retinal, and how much is optic nerve and central, I cannot say. He does not have high uncorrected refractive error.
PLAN: Follow up in 3 months so I can evaluate vision in new glasses.

FOLLOW UP: 3 mos quick check
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