I am having trouble finding a CPT code for Evacuation of right lower quadrant hematoma.
Procedure included: an incision was made in an elliptical fashion around the previous ileostomy closure site...elliptical incision was executed with at #15 blade scalpel and this ellipse of skin was removed from the field...large hematoma was evacuated...wound was closed in layers using 3-0 vicryl in an interrupted figure of eight fashion for the Scarpa's fascia and interrupted 3-0 vicryls for the deep dermis.
What would the appropriate CPT code be ? ?
Procedure included: an incision was made in an elliptical fashion around the previous ileostomy closure site...elliptical incision was executed with at #15 blade scalpel and this ellipse of skin was removed from the field...large hematoma was evacuated...wound was closed in layers using 3-0 vicryl in an interrupted figure of eight fashion for the Scarpa's fascia and interrupted 3-0 vicryls for the deep dermis.
What would the appropriate CPT code be ? ?