Wiki Est care-- no complaints


Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
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I am confused on what is the best way to bill for a visit that is to establish care and no complaints. Ordered screening lab work and took a history. Billed a V70.0 with a 99203 and it was denied. Can I bill with a new pt preventive code??
No, you can't bill as a new patient. Remember new/established relates to the relationship between the provider/group and the patient. Not to the services rendered.

Without seeing the note I would think this is more preventive. Was an exam done? Was there any MDM? Was this done to order labs for a future visit?

You may need to just plug in the info you have and let the chips fall where they may.
You cannot use the V70 with a regular office level. You will need to bill using the preventive E&M codes, if this patient has never been in your office the use the new patient preventive, however if the patient has had a preventive visit within the past 12 months the claim will deny to patient responsibility.
The only other thing you might consider is using a V68 code for administrative purpose with the new patient office level.