Wiki Essential Hypertension Vs Pulmonary Hypertension


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I have encountered a scenario, where the physician documented both Essential Hypertension and Pulmonary Hypertension. We will get 401.9 (essential hypertension) and 416.8 (Pulmonary hypertension). coding Clinic reference says:

Pulmonary Hypertension with Chronic Endstage Renal Disease and Benign Hypertension

Coding Clinic, Third Quarter 2010 Page: 12
Effective with Discharges: October 1, 2010


What are the code assignments for chronic endstage renal disease and benign hypertension with pulmonary hypertension? Category 401, Essential hypertension, excludes codes in category 416, Chronic pulmonary heart disease.


Assign codes 416.8, Other chronic pulmonary heart diseases, 403.11, Hypertensive chronic kidney disease, benign, with chronic kidney disease stage V or end stage renal disease, and 585.6, End stage renal disease.

The “excludes note” at category 401 indicates essential and pulmonary hypertension are coded in separate categories; however, when the physician diagnoses both conditions, the two categories may be reported together."

From this I understands we can add the specific forms of hypertension like benign/malignant or hypertensive kidney/or hypertensive heart etc. along with pulmonary hypertension 416.8. But need clarification on the following...

Do we need to code 401.9 an unspecified hypertension with a specified type of hypertension which is pulmonary hypertension 416.8?

Thanks for any reply...

Thara L CPC H