Wiki ER with open wound & recvd DPT


Harrisonville MO
Best answers
I know I would code for the Open Wound, sutures, etc. But if the ER physician gave a DPT shot also because of the Open Wound would I want to code/charge for the actual injection drug (for example) Adacel; and for the Administration of the injection 90471; and then would I also want to code the V061? If not V061 what would I want to use?

Someone at work is stating that the dx for the DPT shot given s/be for the open wound, not the V061 because it makes it a routine shot which will be denied by Medicare.

Now I am confused.
Please help :)
I found my answer re what linking means. I was told that was something that a Biller for Physician offices can do; but in Hospital Billing can't really be done. I work in a Hospital forgot to put that on the previous e-mail.
Thanks for your quick response previously.