Wiki er visit


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Maybe someone here can help me. I had one of our doc due a consult on a medicare pt in the er since medicare no longer accepts consults codes and because the pt went on to be discharged and not admitted to the hospital i billed an er visit. For the life of me i can not get this claim to go thru medicare they keep saying it was deemed as being rendered in an incorrect place of service. I have used er as place of service i have even tried 22 as outpatient. anyone have any ideas?
I thought ER POS was 23?

Oops, sorry I mis-read your question. If you have already submitted with POS 23, then what E&M are you coding? The ER 99281-99285 codes? The OV/outpt 99201-99215 codes? According to the denial you have a mis-match between the E&M and POS
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Maybe someone here can help me. I had one of our doc due a consult on a medicare pt in the er since medicare no longer accepts consults codes and because the pt went on to be discharged and not admitted to the hospital i billed an er visit. For the life of me i can not get this claim to go thru medicare they keep saying it was deemed as being rendered in an incorrect place of service. I have used er as place of service i have even tried 22 as outpatient. anyone have any ideas?

did you use ER level (99281-99285) with the 23 POS?