Wiki ER to Observation


Croswell, MI
Best answers
If a pt is seen in the ER then admitted to observation, with the same physician attending to the pt thru out the visit, can we use the information in the ER to make our E/M level in obs?
If it's ER, it's ER. If it's observation, it's observation. Unfortunately, I don't think we can use ER dictation for Observation dictation.
If a pt is seen in the ER then admitted to observation, with the same physician attending to the pt thru out the visit, can we use the information in the ER to make our E/M level in obs?

The attending physician made the decision to admit the patient to observation from the ER. His E&M in the ER will be the Obs admit codes 99218-99220. Subsequent Obs visits will be 99224-99226 for the admitting only.
I work for a radiology office that does the reads (modifer 26) and we are getting denials for prior auths. So my question is If a patient is in the ER and has to get an MRI/CT Scan something that requires a prior auth and then after the MRI/CT scan is put into observation status but the admit type is Emergency is that place of service 23 or outpatient place of service 22.