Wiki ER patient, H&P done 10/10/11, pt offically admit 10/11/11

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A patient was in the ER. ER doc requested cardiology consult. Our physician determined pt needed to be admitted. He did the H&P on 10/10/11, but official admit was 10/11/2011 at 0019. How would I date the H&P?
He also evaluated the patient on 10/11/2011. :confused:
If the cardiologist saw the patient on 10/10/11, then that is the date you use. A subsequent date can be used for 10/11/2011.

If the cardiologist is the admitting physician.
In regards to this case. you stated bill for the cardiologist visit for 10/10. Would you still bill it as inpatient for that date of service and as an admission?

I have this same scenario quite often.

Technically you can do an ER visit on the first date and an admit on the second date. In most hospitals they now have an ER doctor and Hospitalist and the hospitalist will code the admit. Similar but not quite situation you have.

If your doctor started seeing the patient late on the first date and it was continuous service until the admit, then logic would tell me just to bill the admit as it would be bundled together. Be cautious so an audit does not show splitting of services to get more $