Wiki ER/Family Practice Provider


Chester, IL
Best answers
One of our providers is employed by the ER and by our office. If the provider is working in the ER and then the patient comes into our office as a new patient are we allowed to bill a new patient visit?

The provider's employment with the ER has no connection to our office.

Thanks in advance for any help that you may be able to provide.


You are OK as a new patient at Family Pratice since these are completely different practices. Just be careful about your doctor referring too many patients to the Family Practice from the ER. Stark doesn't like that!
I disagree....the patient was seen by the same provider. It does not matter what practice, and whether or not there is any connection to your practice. This would be an established patient, since the patient is not new to your provider.
What if the patient was seeing a different provider at the family practice? Would you still not charge a new patient visit?
Same Speialty /Same Practice?

This clearly appears to be a separate practice, and maybe another specialty if doc is double boarded. Same doctor alone isn't the only determinant, the ED medical record is at the hospital totally separate from the family practice. So I repectfully disagree with your disagreement. But certainly open to other thoughts on it, since this has been a sticky issue for years.
