Wiki ER coding

Chapparral, NM
Best answers
Hello members. The question of being able to code iv amd im pushes during an ER visit with the E&M is allowed or is it a bundled service. I do not code ER visits so I am unaware of the answer. Guidelines and where they can be found would be appriciated.

Thank you
Hai Victoria!

NO, We can not code IV and IM with ER, But with other E/M services like Office vist (99201-99215), Office consultation (99241-99245) and Prolonged services (99354-99355) we can code IV and IM with 25 modifier appended to E/M.

Refer: CPT-2013, Page No-544 first 10 lines.
it depends on if you are coding for the facility or the physician, if you code for the physician then you cannot code the injections and pushes at all as they are performed by facility perdonnel, if you are coding for the facility the yes you code the facility E&M and the injection admins and pushes etc and you do use the 25 modifier as these are considered significant procedures.