Wiki Equity in a Growing Field?


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I am an intelligent human being with a bachelors degree who decided to pursue a carreer in the Medical Billing and Coding field. I firmly believe I have a God given natural aptitude and ability to excel if given an opportunity. I gave my all, investing time, money, and many other sacrifices to pass the CPC exam at over 80% proficiency in under 4 hours on my first attempt. This was over 2 years ago and yet I have continued to invest time, money, and other sacrifices obtaining CEU's to keep my membership and certification. Despite all of my efforts albeit signifigantly waned due to rejection I have not benefited whatsoever. Despite my clapping at chapter meetings, passing tests on Coding Edge or Coding whatever its called now I have lost my edge and feel like I invested in a sinking ship. Among the many aspects of this process I find most disturbing is the fact that many of the individuals in the field who are successful and who are teaching classes are underqualified professionals.
I am so sorry you feel that way. Perhaps you need to broaden your job search, you may need to travel or even move , many people do move due to a better job. Sometimes when you look outside of just wanting to be a coder you find many other interesting areas to use your knowledge and your certification.
I have had numerous different positions since I became certified and only a few of them were actual coder jobs, but I would not have had these other opportunities without the education and the certification. I hope ypu keep looking nd wish you luck.
Just for the record not all educators are underqualified