Wiki Epstein Bar Syndrome


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I have a patient with a personal history of Epstein Barr Syndrome. The ICD9 for current diagnosis of Epstein Barr, chronic, is 780.79 but per surgical notes I need "personal history of". I wondered about V12.2, Pers. Hx. of Metabolic disorder or would you choose V13.59, personal hx. of musculosketetal disorder? All suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Epstein-Barr Virus is in the herpes family of viruses. (EBV) is a common human virus that causes infectious mononucleosis and plays a role in the emergence of two rare forms of cancer: Burkitt's lymphoma, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

If the patient truly just has a history of EBV and is not currently experiencing any symptoms or receiving treatment I would go with V12.09.