Wiki Epidermal Cyst Excision


Centre Hall, PA
Best answers
The doctor performed epidermal cyst excision (verified by lab reports) of the RT index finger. In the report, he documented peeling the 2x2 cm cyst off of the flexor tendon.

I have read older reports stating you must report cyst excision based on the origin of the cyst. I have read other reports stating you must code base on the depth documented in the op report.

I am between cpt codes 26160 (since it wad adherent to the tendon) and 11424 (since an epidermal cyst is from the cutaneous origin).

Any guidance on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
Without seeing the note, I would say this is 11422 since it's 2cm x 2 cm with no extra margin stated.
Maybe query the doc about his wording in his note and verify that there was no tendinous involvement. If it was just butted up to the tendon and incidental b/c of the size and amount of tissue to grow into.

Since there's not a lot of extra subq tissue in your finger, I would think if it is that large that it just had to invade surrounding space as it grew (just my non-doctor side thoughts 😉).
Without seeing the note, I would say this is 11422 since it's 2cm x 2 cm with no extra margin stated.
Maybe query the doc about his wording in his note and verify that there was no tendinous involvement. If it was just butted up to the tendon and incidental b/c of the size and amount of tissue to grow into.

Since there's not a lot of extra subq tissue in your finger, I would think if it is that large that it just had to invade surrounding space as it grew (just my non-doctor side thoughts 😉).
Thank you. I went with 11422.