Wiki EP Physician question


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If a physician is board certified for devices (IBHRE) can he bill a consult the same day as a regular cardiologist within our group bills a hospital floor visit?
No, you can't. Medicare still considers EP as part of cardiology. We have EP/Cardio/CV and vascular docs in our practice. We can't bill for EP and cardio on the same day for consults.
If a physician is board certified for devices (IBHRE) can he bill a consult the same day as a regular cardiologist within our group bills a hospital floor visit?

I have heard that Medicare is making EP a specialty but you need to registar your doctor in order for him to be recognized as such, otherwise, it will be denied.

Not sure how long that process takes.
Julie, do you have documentation for that? Our practice would be REALLY interested to know about that. I'm checking Noridian as soon as I'm done with this message.

Thanks for the info!
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