Wiki ENG procedure


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I currently am working for an neurologist that does ENG (92540,92543 and 92546). The doctor is not doing the ENG, the procedure was being performed by a medical assistant. I was looking at the LCD policy of Medicare and it states that only a provider who is certificate can do and bill this services.

The doctor I am working received email the Neurology Association and got a response that any one working in the office can do the procedure.

The doctor will not be supervisor, he will be seeing patient but will be in office at the time of the procedure.

Please advise. if a medical assistant can perform the procedure in the office and we can still bill it.
billing for a vng to medicare

how do you bill for the cpt 92546
we have billed before using 92546, 59 and 92546, 76 and were paid on both now we are being pd zero on both