Wiki Endoscopy with video capsule


Houston, TX
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Good afternoon all below is a report for EGD my question is should I bill 43235 and 91110 or bill the 91110 was the report has been read? :confused:

Procedure: The endoscope was passed with ease through the mouth under
direct visualization and advanced to the 2nd portion of the duodenum. The
scope was withdrawn and the mucosa was carefully examined. The views were
good. The patient's toleration of the procedure was good. Retroflexion was
performed in the fundus.

Findings: Esophagus: The esophagus appeared to be normal. The GE junction
was visualized. The Z-line was observed 40 cm from the entry point. The
squamocolumnar junction was visualized. Stomach: The antrum and body of
the stomach appeared to be normal. Duodenum: The duodenal bulb and 2nd
portion of the duodenum appeared to be normal. A video capsule endoscopy
was that attached to the scope and delievered the the bulb of the duodenum.

Complications: There were no complications.

Impression: Normal esophagus. The GE junction was visualized. Z-line
visualized. The squamocolumnar junction was visualized. Normal antrum and
body of the stomach. Normal duodenal bulb and 2nd portion of the duodenum.
A video capsule endoscopy was that attached to the scope and delievered
the the bulb of the duodenum