Wiki Endoscopic excision of forehead mass

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Endoscopic excision of forehead soft tissue mass 3 x 2 cm

Pt was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. There area was infiltrated
with lidocaine and epinephrine. A small incision was made in the hairline and
a subgaleal pocket was created. We placed an endoscope and under video-
directed vision, we identified a soft tissue fatty tumor in the subcutaneous
plane. This was then carefully dissected circumferentially and a 2 x 3 cm
soft tissue mass was then pulled out through the endoscope, a remote access
hole for the forehead. The pocket was irrigated. Hemostasis was obtained.
The incision was closed with chromic and staples.
this code mocks of 21011 or 21012.

Use unlisted code 21499 and use fee for one of the above

Thats how I would personally report it :)
