Wiki endoloop ligation of poly via sigmoidoscopy


Keswick, VA
Best answers
sigmoidoscopy is performed for endoloop placement for ligation of polyp-cannot locate an appropriate cpt code to describe this scenario--suspecting unlisted will be the only way to go

A pedunculated, non-bleeding polyp was found at 25 cm proximal to the
anus just proximal to a tattooed region. The polyp was 15 mm in size
with a large broad stalk and base. A large endoloop was maneuvered over
the polyp head and onto the stalk just below and closed at the mucosal
attachment. After placement of the endoloop, significant ischemic
changes were visualized. The polyp was left in place to undergo ischemia
and hopefully castrate. Estimated blood loss was minimal. The exam was
otherwise without abnormality.
Impression: - One 15 mm, non-bleeding pedunculated polyp at 25 cm
proximal to the anus. A large endoloop was placed for
the polyp to ischemitize and castrate over the next few
- The examination was otherwise normal.
Recommendation: - Plan to perform a repeat flexible sigmoidoscopy to
confirm polyp castration in 6 to 8 weeks -