Wiki Endograft 34812 assist


Wellington, CO
Best answers
An AAA endograft placement (34802 in this case) was performed by 2 of our surgeons. Dr 1 assisted Dr 2 during the placement of the main body. Dr 1 performed the cutdown (34812) and catheter placement on the left side (36200), and Dr 2 did the same on the right side.
Only one report was dictated, by Dr 2. The report describe in details who did what.
Should we have Dr 1 dictate his own report for his cutdown and catheter placement so that a 34812 and 36200 can be billed under his name? Or should we just code a 34812-80 for him (in addition to the 34802-80)?

Ask the other doc to dectate his own op report. and before you bill, make sure one doc assisted the other, or they did surgery together. If they did together, you can bill both claims with same procedure codes with modifier 62 and send the two op report with claims. If one doc assisted the other, then use modifier 80 for the assistent surgeon only.
No, you don't have to have both dictate since Dr 1 assisted and this is documented, plus, you said the dictation addresses what each physician did. My docs do theirs this way and we don't have any problems; I would say if they were Co-surgerons (62), then yes, both need a report.

I would do this:
Dr. 1
34802 -80 (since you said Dr. 1 assisted Dr. 2)
34812 - LT
36200 - LT

Dr. 2
34812 - RT
36200 - RT
So, if documentation was requested, an insurance would be OK with me sending the report signed by Dr 2 as documentation for Dr 1's codes, even though some of them do not have an -80?

Thanks a lot for your help
Sure, as long as the primary physician has signed that report and included the work of his assistant for that case; CMS specifically states, one report can be done for two physicians as long as one is an assistant but for Co-Surgeons, modifier 62, both physicians must dictate their specific part of the procedure/surgery.