Wiki Employment Process


Sterling heights, MI
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I just recently passed CPC exam, I have two questions in terms of Coder Job search as below:
Q 1- How often does employer give a test also in interview process to find the code? or Just interview and experience count?
Q 2- In relation to previous question do we use electronic software to find the codes in employment test (if given) and during job also or do we use books like we did in exam ?

Thanks again for your help and advise.
I just recently passed CPC exam, I have two questions in terms of Coder Job search as below:
Q 1- How often does employer give a test also in interview process to find the code? or Just interview and experience count?
Q 2- In relation to previous question do we use electronic software to find the codes in employment test (if given) and during job also or do we use books like we did in exam ?

Thanks again for your help and advise.

I would say that nearly every employer will ask you to take a test. Often a preliminary interview is done and, if they think your experience meets their requirements, then they will ask you to take a test. Having said that, for my previous auditing job I had a telephone interview at 1.00pm and at 5.30pm the same day they offered me the job without any test or additional interviews.
I don't think it matters how you find codes but coding books are the usual method and are quicker and have more information than software (in my opinion).
I just changed jobs after 13 years working in a physicians office and went to a interview at a billing company. I was given 3 common OP Notes which I had to code diagnosis/procedure. I was given 30 min and the use of their Coding books. After the coding portion I then had a 30-45 min interview on my qualifications and what I can bring to the company. I was offered the job a week later at which time I was given my results from my coding. I was off by one diagnosis but they said they see why I picked that diagnosis. At the company I use books/software. They even asked what I needed when they ordered me my books for 2018. I got a couple of Specialty guides. I use it all to double check my work.
Good Luck!!!
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Hi Jessica,
your info is very very helpful for me as a guide and motivation.
I am currently working in claim department with bcbs. I m confident that i have good knowledge about claims/denial/adjustment and coding.
but I m preparing because I never did actual coding from dr op note. can u please advise me about my current job experience how it can be helpful in getting the job and other advise for leaning actual coding through other means for preparation of job interview
thanks a lot sincerely
I was scared to change from something I was use to for 13 years. I was in Ophthalmology and now doing Dermatology, Lab, Orthopedic. I said to myself and my current employer that I am willing to learn and do what I need to. I did a lot of looking into the different areas and research and made myself a binder as my quick reference. I ordered "2017 Coding from the Operative Report for ICD-10-cm and -PCS" from and have ordered the 2018 version. It helps out and gives you hints in the book for what to look out for. How are you with Anatomy? I have a book that I keep here just for a refresher. Your current job will be beneficial by the being on the opposite side of seeing what the Insurance companies are looking for a clean claim. You know the denial reasons and adjustments. I find myself wanting to learn as much as I can and when I make a mistake find out what I did wrong, take notes and learn from them. We are only human and Just be the best you can be!!!
Thanks again,
It looks you worked smartly towards your goals, Do employers give multiple choices or just op note to find the code?
I am ok with Anatomy, But I am very passionate learner so I am confident to learn quickly and will follow your suggestions and always pray for you
Keep in touch thanks again.
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