Wiki EMG's


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I was hoping someone would be able to help me when it comes to billing EMG's.
The Doctor wants me to bill 95886 x2 and 95912, however the insurance companies do not seem to pay on both, if anyone can help that would help a great deal, thank you
I was hoping someone would be able to help me when it comes to billing EMG's.
The Doctor wants me to bill 95886 x2 and 95912, however the insurance companies do not seem to pay on both, if anyone can help that would help a great deal, thank you

There should not be any reason payers won't pay both, if they are billed correctly, and the diagnoses support medical necessity. Those 2 codes are for 2 different tests--EMG and NCV. In fact, for most conditions these tests are indicated for, both are REQUIRED in order to be diagnostically relevant. Can you give more info about how the claim was filed, and the diagnosis used, on one that was denied?