Wiki Emg help!!!!!!!

Sterling Heights, MI
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Our office is attempting to bill 95887, needle emg, non-extremity. A publication from the American Academy of Neurology states that 95887 was written and valued to be used per site tested. They continue to state tha the sites recognized are unilateral face, cervical and lumbar paraspinal muscles without needle EMG examination of corresponding limb muscles, thoracic paraspinal muscles, larynx, hemidiaphram, thoracic, and abdominal muscles. An example would be and EMG performed on bilater face muscles and reporting two unites of service.

We have billed 95887-2 and the services were rejected for the quantity exceeding the allowed units. We have billed 95887-2 (50). This too was rejected.

I then took a look at the Blue Cross fee schedule for Michigan. In this fee schedule I believe that if a code was able to be reported bilaterally, it would indicate that mod 50 could be reported and it would also indicate that multiple quantities would also be supported.

Any and all input would be appreciated. My gut tells me that the AAN published some bad info.

Thank you,
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