Wiki EMG Denials 2017

Ocala, FL
Best answers
I am having denial issues from First Coast Service Options Medicare Fl -

billing 95910 and 95886 x 2 units

should I be billing 95910 95886 RT 95886 LT 59 modifier???

Is anyone else getting denials stating that they are not separately payable as well?????

I know there was an issue back in 2013 but I need to know if anyone is STILL having this issue as we are???

Also --- We are doing uppers one day and lowers the following day --- I have noticed in the past that when we wait a week in between we do get paid--- are they maybe billed to close together in time?

Thank you

Jennifer Ryan, CPC
I would bill it once and change the number of units (i.e. 2 units for two tests, no matter which limbs you test) Your diagnosis should reflect upper extremity and/or lower extremity so even if you perform the service again the following day, the Dx codes will reflect that they are different body sites. The code description states "each extremity". You can bill up to 4 units depending on the number of muscles tested.