Wiki Emergency Department vs Initial Hospital Care

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We have a patient that was seen in the ED by one of our doctors trying to bill a 99233 for the encounter. The doctor said he has been told that only the ER doctor is the only one who can bill an ED code. Now, I am pretty sure that is incorrect but wanted to check.
To my knowledge any provider can bill any EM code, depends on the POS which one you use. Also the documentation must fit the visit, all key requirements are documented.
99233 is an inpatient code. If they are inpatient status (even if they are still physically in the ER) that code can be used. If they are only ER status, you can't
yes it was an ER consult and insertion of suprapubic tube. the patient was in ER status not inpatient. the doctor must have just misunderstood or was given incorrect information. thank you for all of your help. :)