Wiki Emergency department - 1995 guidelines - determining straightforward/ self- limiting or low


New York, NY
Best answers
In the ED would you consider this a minimal or low problem in the Emergency department?
There was no work up and no treatment administered.

Case scenario:
Female otherwise healthy presents today for evaluation of unknown substance splashed in RI about 6 hours prior to arrival. Patient works as a xxxx officer when a person/substance MRI which she was unaware of. Patient states she had some tingling and burning in her eye initially however flushed out and did turn red however that has since resolved. Patient was seen by on-site provider who referred her to the ED. Patient denies blurry vision, pain or discomfort in the eye, redness to the eye, pain with eye movement, headache, fever chills, nausea vomiting, discharge from the eye.

Ros: Comprehensive
Exam: Comprehensive

Female otherwise healthy presents today for concern of unknown substance motion right eye referred from onset provider at her work. Physical exam notable for a right eye without conjunctival injection, chemosis, or discharge. EOMs intact, PEARL.

Assessment: Unknown substance to the right eye

Plan: Education and discharge