Wiki EM coding


Abu Dhabi, UAE
Best answers
Dear Team,

Below is few quotes of E/M guidelines from CMS,

Some important points that should be kept in mind when documenting the number of
diagnoses or management options are:
❖ For each encounter, an assessment, clinical impression, or diagnosis should be
documented which may be explicitly stated or implied in documented decisions
regarding management plans and/or further evaluation:
• For a presenting problem with an established diagnosis, the record should
reflect whether the problem is:
- Improved, well controlled, resolving, or resolved; or
- Inadequately controlled, worsening, or failing to change as expected.
For a presenting problem without an established diagnosis, the
assessment or clinical impression may be stated in the form of differential
diagnoses or as a “possible,” “probable,” or “rule out” diagnosis.

Does it mean can we code the “possible,” “probable,” conditions in the OP visits.? Please share your thoughts........

Thank you...
No, you would code symptoms if there's not a definite diagnosis. In outpatient coding we can't use possible, probable, rule out, or likely diagnoses.
Inpatient ONLY

I agree. I n the outpatient setting you cannot code these descriptions however, in the inpatient setting they are acceptable.
