Wiki EM 2021 - Chronic Illness -Stable


Coimbatore, TN
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For a chronic condition - Though treated it is going to be a long term condition, stable or unstable is terms given for the conditions with response to management only.

A patient that is not at their treatment goal, is not stable, even if the condition has not changed and there is no short term threat to life or function. For example, a patient with persistently poorly controlled blood pressure for whom better control is a goal is not stable, even if the pressures are not changing and the patient is asymptomatic. The risk of morbidity without treatment is significant. Examples may include well-controlled hypertension, non-insulin dependent diabetes, cataract, or benign prostatic hyperplasia.

So can we fix this to Moderate risk in the column 3.? As because it is not attaining full recovery?

As we have a Low risk as defined in the same content of " There is little to no risk of mortality with treatment, and full recovery without functional impairment is expected"

Acute, uncomplicated illness or injury: A recent or new short-term problem with low risk of morbidity for which treatment is considered. There is little to no risk of mortality with treatment, and full recovery without functional impairment is expected. A problem that is normally self-limited or minor, but is not resolving consistent with a definite and prescribed course is an acute uncomplicated illness. Examples may include cystitis, allergic rhinitis, or a simple sprain.

Some on Guide on these, lot of confusions when coming across reports...

In first column of 2021 New E&M guidelines, moderate is found when there are 2 chronic conditions or more under consideration. The word "chronic" should be documented, and is defined as an illness which continues for a year or more or until the patient's death.
In first column of 2021 New E&M guidelines, moderate is found when there are 2 chronic conditions or more under consideration. The word "chronic" should be documented, and is defined as an illness which continues for a year or more or until the patient's death.
Yes Chronic is a longterm agree speaking about the stable or Unstable is based on the physicians setting a goal to control the condition with his mgmt. so in the third column can we fix it in the Low or Moderate , as already its takes the moderate in the column 1 of the MDM, When there is only one lab reviewed without any thing supporting the column 2. Overall LOS can Be Low or Moderate?