Wiki Elements for G0101


Tucson, AZ
Best answers
Can anyone please let me know how many elements you see here for the G0101.
thanks for you help.

ABDOMEN; Soft and non tender. Normal bowel sounds. no hepatosplenomegaly or masses. no guarding. no palpable hernias.
BREAST EXAM; Visible exam is without lesions. no nipple discharge. no skin dimpling. on palpation no massess appreciated and no axillary adenopathy is noted.
GENITO; EGBUS is notmal. Vagina is atrophic. Cervix is small and normal appearing. PAP is taken. Bimanual exam reveals no tenderness. Ovaries are not palpable and no masses are appreciated.
RECTAL: Exam is deferred due to recent colonoscopy.
I show you have met the following based on CMS guidelines for G0101

1. Inspection and palpation of the breast
2. External genitalia
3. Vagina
4. Cervix

Looks like you met 4 of the 11 elements for this service. Since 7 are required for billing, it would not be billable based on the documentation.
I show you have met the following based on CMS guidelines for G0101

1. Inspection and palpation of the breast
2. External genitalia
3. Vagina
4. Cervix

Looks like you met 4 of the 11 elements for this service. Since 7 are required for billing, it would not be billable based on the documentation.

So then for the EGBUS you would'nt also count the Urethral Meatus?
Yes, the "U" could be determined as examination of the Urethral meatus (size, location, lesion, prolapse, etc)