Wiki EKG's and Pacerchecks


Statesboro, GA
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Hi would someone please confirm if you must have an order prior to doing an EKG 93000 in the office same day of a visit... We were advised by an Consulting company that we can not perform and EKG or Pacecheck without an order being done. HELP PLEASE!
Hi would someone please confirm if you must have an order prior to doing an EKG 93000 in the office same day of a visit... We were advised by an Consulting company that we can not perform and EKG or Pacecheck without an order being done. HELP PLEASE!


We were also advised regarding the same issue. We've asked our physicians to state at the beginning of their interpretation of the EKG strip to add "EKG Ordered and performed on DATE, personally reviewed by me - RESULTS

Per the Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), Titile 42, part 410.32, specifies that all diagnostic test must be ordered by a provider who is the treating provider for the patient and who will use the test results in the patient's care. Tests not ordered by the physician who is treating the beneficiary are not reasonable and necessary.

Hope this helps