Wiki EKG and Holter Monitor same day

New Hartford, CT
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Patient has 4:00 pm appt for palpitation complaint. EKG is performed and is benign and normal. Physician decides to order Holter monitor for any abnormal pauses or arrhythmias. Appt is entered for 5:00 pm for Holter monitor.
Insurance is denying the EKG as inclusive to the Holter monitor. Is there any justification to append modifier -59 to the EKG? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

Patient has 4:00 pm appt for palpitation complaint. EKG is performed and is benign and normal. Physician decides to order Holter monitor for any abnormal pauses or arrhythmias. Appt is entered for 5:00 pm for Holter monitor.
Insurance is denying the EKG as inclusive to the Holter monitor. Is there any justification to append modifier -59 to the EKG? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!


Yes, bill it separately with a -59. The EKG had nothing to do with the holter. Patient hadn't even been hooked up to the monitor yet when the EKG was done.

Jessica CPC, CCC