Wiki EGD with mucosal nodule banding


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Does anyone know what CPT code you would use for EGD with mucosal nodule banding? All the note says is "5 mucosal nodules with localized distribution were found in the duodenum. Two bands were successfully placed." This doesn't seem to have enough documentation to be considered an EMR. Would this be unlisted procedure 43999?
look into 43254 band ligation per the Coders desk reference description of procedure states saline or solution is injected into the submucosa to raise it. Which to me is what is meant by localized distribution. Next once raised is removed by snare, banding, or ligation. If in doubt query
look into 43254 band ligation per the Coders desk reference description of procedure states saline or solution is injected into the submucosa to raise it. Which to me is what is meant by localized distribution. Next once raised is removed by snare, banding, or ligation. If in doubt query
Thank you for your response. I clarified with the provider and he stated it was not an EMR, just an EGD with banding. Since there is not a code specifically for that, do you think it would be appropriate to only code 43235 if that is all that was done, or should I use an unlisted code?