Wiki Egd with complications


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Patient was initially for scheduleduled for an EGD with PEG placement. The The scope was introduced into the hypopharynx and into the esophagus. The esophagus appeared normal. There were no varices seen. The scope was advanced to the proximal samall bowel and duodenum, which was normal. the gastric lumen was ormal. After the endo eval was performed, a suitable site in the patient's abdomen was located for placement of the PEG tube via finger indentation and transillumination of light. The area was prepped and draped in a sterile fastion. Upon inserting the needle frans ascites came out. Therefore, the procedure was terminated, and a Combitube was successfully guided down the pt's right naris and into the proximal small bowel. The tube flushed well. There were no additional complications with the procedure.


1. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with Combitube placement
2. Aborted PEG placement


What ICD-9 codes as well as CPT codes would be used in this case? Thanks,

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