Wiki EGD w/ Dialation and Feeding tube placement


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Just wanted to be sure I am on the right page here... MD has performed dilation with balloon for stricture and then performs " A Dobhoff feeding tube was placed endoscopically in the second portion of the duodenum."

My thinking is to code 43249 and 49411 ...

Is this right?
Without seeing the operative report, I can say that I agree with the EGD/Dilation balloon of 43249. However, the insertion of the g-tube should be coded as 43246. The Dobhoff tube is just the name of a naso-gatric tube. 49411 is for placement of interstitial device for radiation therapy guidance.

Hope this helps!
I'm learning as well. Would you use 43245 for the dilation since the notes describe a "stricture" or obstruction and 43249 specifically states the esophagus?