Wiki EGD and Colonoscopy


Amelia, OH
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2 Questions :

Need to know if it allowed to code 45380 with 45385 using modifier 59 ?

I always went to the highest code 45385 for them both.. for it is a single colonoscopy and they removed one polyp in the sigmoid by forceps and snared one on the descending.. beause of different techniques does this allow for the use of two codes for the same encounter ? When you can remove multiple polyps by snare and still use one code ?

Also when doing a quadra scope-- 43200, 31622, 43200 and 92511.. can you use 31526 w 43200-59 and 31622-59 ?... for it is the same anatomic area and same pt encounter..nothing was found... the only thing is they change out scopes.. meaning they pull one out and insert the next.. does this allow for separate coding ?


Now I have to figure out how to get the answer off of here.. lol

Email is different now...don't want no one else having it... how do I get that in here ??? ... lol... I am a mess for this stuff..

Shhhh but here it is...
If the doctor removed 2 seperate polyps using different techinques, you can code the 45385 and 45380-59. It will reduce the paid amount of the second procedure, but you will still get paid for both.

If the doctor removes more than one polyp using the same techinque (snare), then you will still only code that 1 time since that was the only one techinque used.
Just to clarify one of Meg's points:

If the doctor removes two seperate polyps using two different techniques from two different anatomical parts of the colon, you can use the two different techinques.

In your case, yes, you can because one was in the sigmoid and one was in the descending.